Archive photo "cHeinrichHecht_­IsleofWight_­01.jpg"

Seezeichen bei den bekannten Kreidefelsen The Needles, Isle of Wight / England / Grossbritannien.

Seamark at the Needles.
The Needles is a row of three distinctive stacks of chalk that rise out of the sea off the western extremity of the Isle of Wight, E, © Heinrich Hecht
Copyright: Heinrich Hecht


Seezeichen bei den bekannten Kreidefelsen The Needles, Isle of Wight / England / Grossbritannien. Seamark at the Needles. The Needles is a row of three distinctive stacks of chalk that rise out of the sea off the western extremity of the Isle of Wight, E


farbe, farbig, colour, coloured, wasser, gewaesser, meer, sea, water, querformat, horizontal, landscape format, landschaft, landscape, natur, nature, reise, reisen, travel, seezeichen, schifffahrtszeichen, seetonnen, seetonne, seamark, sea mark, land mark

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