Archive photo "cHeinrichHecht_­MaxiYachten_­17.jpg"

Maxi WM: USA, Rhode Island, Newport, 1998

Die Maxiyacht Morning Glory gehoert Hasso Plattner (Mitbegruender des Softwareunternehmens SAP)

The owner of the Maxiyacht Morning Glory is Hasso Plattner ( cofounder of the Softwareconcern SAP), © Heinrich Hecht
Copyright: Heinrich Hecht


Maxi WM: USA, Rhode Island, Newport, 1998 Die Maxiyacht Morning Glory gehoert Hasso Plattner (Mitbegruender des Softwareunternehmens SAP) The owner of the Maxiyacht Morning Glory is Hasso Plattner ( cofounder of the Softwareconcern SAP)


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